Hi! I’m Nicolet.

Thanks for hanging out with me in this space. I’m a wife to Preston, a mom to Josie Lou and our puppy, Mr. Trek. After 5 years of serving in the local church, I now serve as the Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President for JourneyWise - a division of the Moore-West Center for Applied Theology. I’m also a business owner, mentor, lover of yoga and reading, and friend. I’m passionate about sharing Jesus, and the cheerfulness he has given me through the teaching of His word.

I grew up in Petal, MS and attended college at the University of Southern Mississippi where I earned a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Communication Studies. I am currently studying at Wesley Biblical Seminary in Jackson, MS. I am fascinated with how we communicate, especially God’s word. I am passionate about investing and equipping people to follow Jesus and love others.


Why Choosing Cheer?

From the time I could walk, I think I had a pair of pom poms in my hand. I was born smack into a family of cheerleaders and very early on, a love for the sport was cultivated in me. From the time I was a little girl my mother instilled in me that cheerleading isn't just an activity we participated in, but cheerfulness was a lifestyle. It was an outlook that we had on life. Especially as believers in Jesus, we could always find a reason to be cheerful. As a little girl with a bow in my hair, I had no idea what an impact this mindset would have on my life.

John 16:33 says, “In the world you will have trouble; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”  Why does cheerfulness seem like something so far away and out of reach? While irritability, impatience and anxiousness seem to be in the spotlight of our lives? In this space, we will glean truth from scripture about the joy that is ours to take hold of as followers of Jesus.

FROM the Blog